
Brainstorming 2.0

Brightstorming helps you to be creative and productive at the same time.

Quick and productive brainstorms

Brightstorming is a web application that allows teams to hold more productive and efficient brainstorm sessions. Our tool enables team members to think creatively, without having to waste time on preparation and facilitation.


Hardly any preparation necessary

Organising a professional brainstorm session usually requires lots of preparation. There are countless methods and techniques to choose from, but which ones are the best? The options can be quite overwhelming. Brightstorming saves you from this hassle and automatically selects the most useful tools and techniques for your particular situation.


Simple multiple choice questions to quickly set things up.


Structured thinking techniques to help your team generate more original ideas.

Automated facilitation

Brightstorming not only generates the perfect brainstorm session, it also helps you to facilitate the meeting. Timers, energisers, clear examples and step-by-step guidelines make sure that teams can brainstorm together with ease. The neutral, digital facilitator makes brainstorming fun, efficient and productive.

Anytime and anywhere

Brightstorming is a cloud-based application. It works in your browser and does not require any installation. IT does not need to be involved. Brightstorming is responsive and can be used on tablets, laptops and larger screens (for instance, in your meeting room).


Brightstorming is suitable for tablets, pc’s and large screens.

And much, much more…

Gorgeous design

Inspire your team and your clients with beautifully designed presentations. Clear, colourful and a pleasure to look at.

Time management

Never an unnecessarily lengthy meeting again. Timers show you how much time you have left and an alarm keeps everyone in check

Powerful thinking techniques

We've selected the best and most powerful thinking techniques, strategies and methods for you.

Warming up exercises and icebreakers

Exciting icebreakers and small warming up exercises make sure that all participants are in the right mindset for the ideal session.

Inspiring examples

Inspiring and simple. Surprising examples show exactly how the different techniques work.

Inspiring quotes

Little snacks for the brain. During the session inspiring quotes keep the thoughts flowing.

Curious? Contact us for more information.